What it Takes to Activate your 7 Chakras

Chakras are important energy centres spread across your body. It is a Sanskrit word which means ‘spinning wheel’. They are the powerhouse of energy that provides the life force to every human being. The seven chakras define various spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of life. They are the important link between your physical and spiritual existence.

The chakras are invisible and subtle energy points that are charged when the body’s integral energy synchronizes with the cosmic energies around us. It absorbs the energy around us and fills us with positivity. This leads to a positive impact and long-term benefit on your health, wealth, spirituality, and overall wellbeing.

The seven chakras may be enlisted as follows:

1. Muladhara (Root Chakra)

It is the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and represents your relationship with the material world. It is the first of the seven chakras in our body, and when activated helps us to establish a connection between our physical and spiritual being.

2. Swadhisthana (Navel Chakra)

The second chakra is situated between the genitals, and the sacral nerve plexus known as Swadhisthana chakra. It is directly related to sexual energy flow. The chakra is deeply connected with five physical senses and when it is unblocked you feel highly energetic and revitalized.

3. Manipura (Solar plexus Chakra)

This chakra is located near navel; it has an ability to manifest one’s hope and dreams. If the chakra is unblocked, you will feel supremely self-confident.

4. Anahata (Heart Chakra)

This chakra is located at the centre of the chest and is associated with pity, affection, and trust. When the chakra is blocked, you feel lack of love and when unblocked, you are able to offer unconditional love and attract people.

5. Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra)

This Chakra is located in the hollow of the throat and manages our communication and self-expression. If this chakra is blocked, it can affect your communication and no one can understand what you say.

6. Ajna (The Third eye Chakra)

This chakra is located at the centre of the eyebrows and manages thoughts and imagination. When this chakra is unblocked, it shows us the way to inner wisdom and intuitive powers. When this chakra gets activated you are able to concentrate deeply.
7. Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)

This chakra is located at the top of the head and connects us to the cosmic awareness. Balancing this chakra helps connect with the universe; you are able to appreciate and understand the true nature of reality.

You can activate or open your chakras, by following relevant activities supporting the specific chakra. So, take out some time and get involved in 7 chakra meditation or other techniques to balance your chakras. Activating your seven chakras can enhance your overall wellbeing and show you the way to connect with the natural energies. By activating your chakras, you can heal yourself and lead a happy life.


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